What are the shipping costs?
Shipping costs vary based on order size and destination. If you need more information about the delivery costs please write us to sales@urbangarden.hu. When you make an order we will send you the proforma with the shipping cost.

How long does delivery take?
Standard delivery takes 2-5 business days. Expedited options are available.

Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
 Please contact our customer service immediately to make changes.

What if my order arrives damaged?
Please report any damages within 48 hours of receipt. It is important that we can accept reclamation if you make damage report.

Can I pick up my order instead of having it shipped?
Yes, we offer a local pickup option at our warehouse. In this case we have to fix the date.

How are shipping rates calculated?
Rates are based on package weight, dimensions, and destination.

How do I report a missing item from my shipment?
Please write an e-mail to sales@urbangarden.hu about it and we will reply as soon as possible.

What is the standard warranty period for products?
Our standard warranty period is 6 months from the date of purchase.

How do I activate my warranty?
Please write us an e-mail to sales@urbangarden.hu about the problem (exactly which product is defected and precise description of the error). After that, we will inform you about the next steps.

What does the warranty cover?
Our warranty covers manufacturing defects and does not cover wear and tear or accidental damage.

What if my product is discontinued?
Discontinued products under warranty will be replaced with a similar or better model.

How do I check the warranty status of my product?
Contact our customer service (sales@urbangarden.hu) for warranty status.

Do you offer higher discount for bigger orders?
If you would like to buy bigger amount from a given brand please write to sales@urbangarden.hu. Our customer service will write you as soon as possible!

Do you price match with competitors?
We are trying to offer the possible best conditions. Contact us for price match inquiries.

What payment methods do you accept?
You can pay only with bank transfer.

Is VAT included in the price?
The prices in the webshop are net prices. If you order out of Hungary and you have a valid EU VAT number, you have to pay the net prices. If you do not have valid EU VAT number or you have a hungarian company you have to pay the gross amount. 

Why am I charged an additional fee on my bank statement?
Some banks charge fees for international transactions. Please consult with your bank.

How do I apply for credit terms?
Please write an e-mail with your request to sales@urbangarden.hu.

Do you offer cash on delivery?
We currently do not offer cash on delivery.

How can I contact customer service?
You can reach our customer service via email, phone, or the contact form on our website.

What are your customer service hours?
 Our customer service team is available Monday to Friday, from 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

How long does it typically take to get a response to my email?
We aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Do you sell or share my data with third parties?
No, we do not sell or share your personal data with unauthorized third parties.

How can I access the data you have about me?
You can request a copy of your data by contacting our customer service or through your account dashboard.

Can I request to delete my personal data?
Yes, you can request data deletion by contacting our data protection officer.

Why do you collect my data?
We collect data to provide and improve our services, process orders, and offer personalized experiences.